Regular Meeting –February 2, 2010


           I.     CALL TO ORDER: The regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman Steve Howard at 1700 hours.  Members Present: Mike Williams, Steve Howard, Larry Helsley, and Bill Britton.  Members Absent: George Owen.  Others Present: Interim Fire Chief Scott Alvord, Legal Advisor David Hammer, Mike McMillan and Clerk Marjie Maddox.


         II.     CONSENT AGENDA:

A.    Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting January 11, 2010 & Special Meeting Minutes of January 15, 2010 –

B.    Approve Warrant List, Journal Entries and Budget Transfers – MSC: Williams/Helsley to approve the consent agenda as presented.


       III.     ACTION ITEMS:

A.    Discuss/Approve Cover fees of Obtaining a Class B Medical Exam and Permit/License Fees for Mr. McMillan  - Mr. McMillan reported he would like to get his Class B License to drive for firefighting only.  There was discussion regarding the differences between Class B commercial and Class B Firefighter Endorsement.  MSC: Britton/Helsley to cover the expenses of Restricted Firefighter for Mr. McMillan.

B.    Discuss/Approve Revised Equipment List for New Rescue 2151 – Chief Alvord gave a handout and reported on his progress with the rescue project.  Currently we have $2,367.81 remaining out of the budgeted $9,000.  Chief Alvord went over the list and he will need an extra $600 to finish the needed items to finish the rescue.  There was discussion regarding the wish list items and wiring projects.  MSC: Britton/Williams to approve an extra $600 to complete the must need items to finish the rescue.

C.    Discuss/Approve Surplus item, 1992 Ford Rescue Chassis as Sealed Bid Auction – Chief Alvord reported that the Department is at the point they are comfortable getting rid of the old Rescue truck as well as the extra set of summer tires and wheels.  It was discussed to remove the existing light bar and letting from the doors before the vehicle is sold and to put the low blue book value of $3,000 as the minimum bid accepted.  MSC: Helsley/Britton to declare the Rescue F-350 truck a surplused item and to start the process of sealed bid.

D.    Discuss/Amend Sleeper Contract– Legal Advisor Mr. Hammer reported he has been working on the contract, it is not quite complete.  MSC: Britton/Helsley to accept the Sleeper Contract as Mr. Hammer and Chief Alvord see fit.  Chief Alvord recommended for Mr. McMillan to fill the position of Sleeper.  MSC: Britton/Helsley to approve Mr. McMillan to fill the position of sleeper of station 1.

E.    Discuss/Amend Disciplinary Policy # 1-03 – Table for the next Regular Scheduled Meeting.

F.     Discuss/Approve Financial and Banking Alternatives – There was discussion regarding the problems we have been having paying bills and receiving payments through the treasury department.  There was discussion regarding late fees and what we can do different on our end to resolve problems.  There was discussion on whether or not we are bound to the County Auditors Office, and if entities of the state are subject to late fees.  Table for the next Regular Scheduled Meeting.

G.   Discuss/Approve Change in Annual Audit Company – Clerk Mrs. Maddox reported that the annual audit company raised their rates by $600 this year compared to last year.  We will be placing our audit out for bid; the current company is welcome to place a bid as well.  Table for the next Regular Scheduled Meeting.

H.    Discuss/Approve Update Lighting in Museum Fiscal Impact of $500.00 - Chairman Howard reported a bid from Talbots came out to be $471.61, if it is under $500 we are not required to seek out 3 bids.  MSC: Helsley/Williams to approve the bid/contract submitted from Talbots Electrical for the lighting upgrade in the Museum.



A.    Hazard Reduction Progress Report – Chief Alvord reported Firestorm crews are expected to start around the 15th of February.  Mr. McMillan has contacted people that had work done last year for more work and has been busy visiting several sights and lining out work.

B.    Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report/Fire Department Report – Chief Alvord reported no plan checks were completed this month.  3 inspections were completed at CVS, Mountain Chapel and Tops, and he will be working on pre-fire plans as well.  The Generator was not functioning, it switched on when the power went off, but never switched power over to the station, the generator has been fixed and they used it for part of training.  TCCA meeting it was discussed that if we reimburse Firefighters to go on certain calls, we may have to pay them for every call.  S-130, S-190 and S -131 classes will be held here on a grant through BLM; Chief Alvord reported he is currently working on a grant for the TCCA for classes next year.  There was discussion on the history of the workmen’s comp reimbursement through the county.  There was discussion on the different options for heating and cooling the museum.  Crystal Air submitted a bid of approx $4000 to supply the museum with its own unit, they requested that when the bids are obtained they are all for exactly the same work.  There was discussion of possible installing louvered windows which are what were used for the museum room when the building was new.

C.    Sleeper Program Report – None

D.    Committee Reports –

Background Check Committee – None

Recruitment Committee – Recruitment is up.

Collections Committee – None

Contract Committee – There was discussion on the progress on the warning beacon.  We have not signed the contract between us and PUD due to the county doing the work.  We are waiting for Dero Forsuland to approve the contract between the County and PUD to move forward.  When the project is complete our cost should not exceed $200 annually.  They are still waiting for the poles to arrive; they are expected in the middle of March.

Budget Committee – Mr. Helsley reported that the National Registry will be requiring EMT annual certificates to pay $100.00, this will include all Firefighter EMT’s as well.

E.    Director Reports – Mr. Britton reported that Chief Smith feels he has turned the corner for the better, and is confident that he will be able to return to work by April 1, 2010.  A letter must be provided to the District by his Doctor releasing him prior to his return and he stated he feels his Doctor will have no problem providing that letter for him.  Commissioner Howard reported he has spoken with shop owners up town and did not get an opinion on way or the other on whether they are for or against the noon whistle blowing at the Historical Fire Hall.

         V.     PUBLIC COMMENTS: None

       VI.     CORRESPONDENCE: Chief Alvord reported on a letter received complaining of abandoned cars near the oil fire school.  These cars do not belong to the Fire Department.  Chief Alvord stated that he has signed a letter along with Peter Headkey asking the owners to remove the vehicles, the owners have not.  The problem is that the Abatement Officer is under funded and only works a few months out of the year.  Chief Alvord reported he also received a letter from David Clark the property owner of where the Douglas City’s Water Tender wrecked last summer.  The letter is requesting that anyone who would like to use his road he is requiring them to sign an agreement stating they wont sue him for any reason, then they may obtain access to use the road.  The Board discussed and decided that this letter does not obtain to us, it was requested by Mr. Britton that the letter be forwarded to Mr. Reiling of Cal-Fire as it may pertain to them.

    VII.     ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1842 hours


Approved:  March 8, 2010




______________________________                  _____________________________

      Steve Howard, Chairman                                           Marjie Maddox, Clerk